Distances from Phuntsholing

Distances from Phuntsholing to the largest cities and places in Bhutan. Have a closer look at the distances from Phuntsholing to the largest places in Bhutan.

You can sort the distances from Phuntsholing to the largest places in Bhutan by distancealphabeticallyby population
1 - 29 of 29 places
Distances from Phuntsholing to the largest places in Bhutan
Thimphu Thimphu1.98,67673 km 45 mishow
Tsirang Tsirang2.22,37675 km 47 mishow
Punakha Punākha3.21,50096 km 59 mishow
Pemagatshel Pemagatshel4.13,864201 km 125 mishow
Paro Paro5.11,44865 km 40 mishow
Sarpang Sarpang6.10,41687 km 54 mishow
Samdrup Jongkhar Samdrup Jongkhar7.9,325210 km 131 mishow
Wangdue Phodrang Wangdue Phodrang8.8,95487 km 54 mishow
Jakar Jakar9.6,243156 km 97 mishow
Samtse Samtse10.5,39629 km 18 mishow
Pajo Pajo11.3,03290 km 56 mishow
Trashi Yangtse Trashi Yangtse12.3,025225 km 140 mishow
Mongar Mongar13.2,969190 km 118 mishow
Tsimasham Tsimasham14.2,85531 km 19 mishow
Trongsa Trongsa15.2,805132 km 82 mishow
Daga Daga16.2,24355 km 34 mishow
Laya Laya17.2,000138 km 86 mishow
Daphu Daphu18.1,66612.8 km 8.0 mishow
Ha Ha19.1,44961 km 38 mishow
Panbang Panbang20.1,360158 km 98 mishow
Trashigang Trashigang21.872221 km 138 mishow
Shemgang Shemgang22.852132 km 82 mishow
Nganglam Nganglam23.707185 km 115 mishow
Daifam Daifam24.662269 km 167 mishow
Bhangtar Bhangtar25.656231 km 144 mishow
Gasa Gasa26.548122 km 76 mishow
Wamrong Wamrong27.416218 km 135 mishow
Bjimthangkha Bjimthangkha28.10081 km 50 mishow
Lhuentse Lhuentse29.100200 km 124 mishow

1 - 29 of 29 places